Power Love & Miracles
The Bible Unplugged Podcast
Zacharias is Speechless!
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -9:35

Zacharias is Speechless!

We all face disappointments that can cause us to doubt God's provision for us.


•        Hi. I’m Brent and this is The Bible Unplugged podcast.

•        We’re continuing the series Advent Unplugged with a look behind the scenes of Zacharias meeting the Angel Gabriel.

•        We will also look at what this means and share some practical ways to apply these lessons to our lives.

•        In each episode we take away the centuries of misinterpretation and glamorization of scripture and focus on what the Bible actually says

•        My hope is that you will finish this episode with something to think about.

When Gospels Collide ad

•      Let you know about one of my books that can be helpful as you follow along with the Advent Unplugged.

•        When Gospels Collide combines the four Gospels into one continuous narrative. As you read through the book you get the details from all of the sources without having to flip back and forth through different books of the Bible.

•        When Gospels Collide is available on Amazon at this link: When Gospels Collide at Amazon

We find ourselves…

•        Feeling disappointed that we did not get what we hoped for when we pray

•        After a while we may feel cynical about ever getting what we want in life.

•        Have doubts about God and then feel guilty

Who was Zacharias

•        The story of Zacharias is in Luke 1:5-23 and is the opening act of the Christmas Story in Luke chapters 1-2

•        Zacharias was the father of John the Baptist

•        His name means “God has remembered” which ends up being rather ironic

•        Beginning in Luke 1:5 we find out that he is a priest in the division of Abijah, a king of Judah. King David divided up the priests in 24 divisions to served on a rotating basis.

•        Married to Elizabeth who was a relative of Mary. Many scholars believe they were cousins, but with the wide age difference Elizabeth could have been Mary's aunt. The Greek word used here means “relative” or “kinswoman.” I tend to believe she was Mary’s because Mary ends up going to visit Elizabeth for protection and support later in the story.

•        Luke 1:6-7- Zacharias and Elizabeth were both righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord. But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, and they both were well advanced in years.

•        That culture equated being childless with unrighteousness

•        The couple likely felt distanced from others

•        He went to Jerusalem for his twice-yearly work in the Temple

•        Randomly chosen to perform the Priestly Blessing. Wasn't quite as random as he thought.

The Priestly Blessing

•        Performed morning and evening

•        A highlight of the day for the people this was an affirmation that God had heard their prayers

The big event

•        As a part of the morning and evening worship rituals, following the sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin, Zacharias went into the Temple in the Holy Place (priests only)

•        He placed coals from the sacrifice on the altar of incense which stood close to the curtain which hid the Holy of Holies where the people believed that God dwelled

•        The incense, made from a special formula found in Exodus 30,  burned on the altar while Zacharias prayed

•        During this time the people outside the Temple offered their prayers to God and believed that their prayers would ascend with the incense smoke [v. 10]

•        As Zacharias prayed, did he ask for a child as he had for decades, or was this request something he had given up on? He could have been so disappointed that his prayer became wishful thinking at this point.

•        Luke 1:11- An angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing on the right side of the altar of incense.

•        A place of authority

•        Within a few feet of where Zacharias stood

•        Was not there when Zacharias entered and appeared after the incense was placed on the altar

•        Verse 12 says that Zacharias was troubled and fear fell upon him. An understatement

•        He was accustomed to being in the Holy Place in the Temple, but he had never encountered an angel

•        First thought- What did I do wrong?

•        Verse 13- But the angel said to him, “Don’t be afraid, Zacharias, because your request has been heard.”

•        Some form of “Don’t be afraid” or “be of good courage” appears hundreds of times in the Bible especially when confronted by an angel

•        “Your request has been heard”- the Angel didn’t say what request, but Zacharias knew immediately what that was

•        The angel went on to say, “Your wife, Elizabeth, will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John.”

In Zacharias’ defense

•        Zacharias is human and prone to the same weaknesses and errors as we are

•        How much did he really hear after “Your request has been heard.” When we are in shock or afraid we tend to lose track of all the details

•        He had prayed this prayer for years

•        The shock and fear of seeing an angel standing close to him had to be almost unbearable

•        I don’t really fault Zacharias for what happens next because I don’t know what I would have done if I were in his place

•        But, what one thing should you NOT do when confronted by an angel: argue

•        Zacharias: “How can I be sure of this?” Had excuses why this could not happen [v. 18]

•        Of all the things Zacharias could have said, that was one of the worst… and it didn’t go over well


•        Verse 19- “I am Gabriel who stands in the presence of God. I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news.”

•        Gabriel means “God is my strength”

•        Appeared on the right side of the altar- position of authority

•        Stands in the presence of God

•        Sent by God to deliver this good news

•        Told Zacharias he would not speak until all the promises Gabriel made happened. He would have lots of private time between now and when the baby was born to think about what he just said.

•        Problem: Zacharias was supposed to leave the Temple, stand before the people, and pronounce the Priestly Blessing. He couldn’t now. Any priest with a speech impediment was disqualified to perform this ritual

From the outside

•        Late in leaving the Temple- the people knew how long this should take and he was late [v.21]

•        He could not speak- the people realized he saw a vision [v.22]

•        “He continued to make signs to them, and remained mute”

•        What signs was he making? The priest would hold his hands out to bless the people, but Zacharias could no longer participate

•        Another priest had to step in to complete the blessing

The blessing Zacharias couldn’t give

•        What was the blessing Zacharias couldn’t give?

•        The Lord bless you, and keep you.
The Lord make his face to shine on you, and be gracious to you.
The Lord lift up his face toward you, and give you peace. [Nu 6:24-26]

•        This blessing doesn’t say that we need to see God, but that God see us and knows what we need

•        Bless- barak [H1288]- to bend the knee as if presenting a gift

•        God coming down to our level

•        We need to bend our knee in humility

Doubt, disbelief and discouragement

•        Zacharias had hoped for so long that he began to give up

•        He had performed the ritual so many times that he may have doubted the power of the Blessing

•        The result: Zacharias doubted God could do as He promised

•        But God came through in a big way. His son was John the Baptist who announced the coming of the Messiah

What we learn from this

•        Doubt and discouragement can get the best of us

•        What you do with doubt is the key

•        We can’t notice light without experiencing darkness or see the beauty of a painting without different shades

•        Doubt and faith can co-exist

•        Just ask Thomas. He doubted that Jesus was alive after the Resurrection, but Jesus helped him resolve the doubt not confront it

•        Doubt is a result of being human, not being faithless.

•        Doubt is a human frailty, but can spur us on to a deeper faith

•        Doubt is a bad thing when we allow it to overshadow our faith and confidence in God.

•        God’s timing is not our timing

•        Receiving the blessing of a lifetime never comes too late

•        Many unknown events play out before we see God working

•        What we see as punishment is really discipline- a learning event

•        We learn humility by having our pride shattered

•        There is hope for all of us

What do we do with this

•        Don't let our service to God become routine or mundane. Put your attention and dedication into your relationship with God

•        Bring your doubts to God, but don't let your attitudes or disappointments keep you from seeing what God is doing in your life.

•        Pay attention to when, why, and how you doubt God's messages to you. Are there common themes, situations, or times when doubt seems to be stronger?

•        Learn from you doubts and fears because God has a life changing lesson ready for you to learn

The conclusion

•        Well, the music in the background means I have run out of time to talk… at least until next time.

•        I hope this has been helpful. If so, give this podcast a high rating and share it with others.

•        Join in for future episodes when we talk about Mary the mother of Jesus. Both she and Zacharias questioned the angel Gabriel, but with a far different result

•        My prayer for you is that you will see how God has brought you through times of fear and doubt and has a great future in store for you.

•        Have a blessed week

The disclaimers

•        Just to let you know

•        All opinions are my own. If you agree, keep listening. If you don’t… keep listening, you may learn something

•        All Bible quotations come from the World English Bible which is a public domain work

•        Our show theme song is “Awesome Call” by Kevin MacLeod and is available under a Creative Commons license

•        The content of this podcast is copyrighted 2024 by J. Brent Eaton

•        This has been a Power Love and Miracles production

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