Power Love & Miracles
The Bible Unplugged Podcast
The Magi Visit Jesus
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -8:26

The Magi Visit Jesus

The wise men from the east provided resources for Joseph to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt to escape Herod.


• Hi. I’m Brent and this is The Bible Unplugged podcast.

• We’re continuing the series “Advent Unplugged” series by discussing the Wise Men visiting Jesus found in Matthew chapter 2.

• Warning: I’m going to challenge some long held assumptions about this story, but you will finish this episode with a new appreciation for God’s intricate sense of timing.

When Gospels Collide

• Let you know about one of my books that can be helpful as you follow along with the Advent Unplugged.

• When Gospels Collide combines the four Gospels into one continuous narrative. As you read through the book you get the details from all of the sources without having to flip back and forth through different books of the Bible.

• This may be especially helpful in this series since the complete story of Jesus’s birth is in more than one gospel

• When Gospels Collide is available on Amazon. Here is a link: When Gospels Collide

Who were the Wise Men

• The Wise Men are also called the Magi from the Greek word magos [G3097]- caste of Persian astrologers, philosophers and magicians; by implication, ones who were wise. The prophet Daniel was the chief of the magi in his time.

• “From the east”- likely from modern day Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan

• Since a plural word, we know there were at least 2. We don’t know how many there were, but tradition says 3 because they brough 3 different gifts

• Part of an official delegation, so likely had a large entourage

How did they know

• They studied the stars

• Astronomers- learn what stars are and do

• Astrologers- decide what stars mean

• Genesis 1:14- lights in the sky “for signs, seasons, and for days and years.” Sign- oth [H226]- indicator of an important message; miracle

• Israel had great influence over Babylonian wisdom during exile. The Babylonians valued the culture and knowledge of the kingdoms they conquered and learned as much as they could from each one.

• Jewish beliefs and mysticism were welcomed in Babylon

• Likely, the magi knew a certain heavenly sign indicated the birth of “the king of the Jews” from Jewish influence there

• Were so sure, they represented their kingdom as an official delegation and brought expensive presents. Psalm 72:10-11- The kings of Tarshish and of the islands will bring tribute. The kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. Yes, all kings shall fall down before him. All nations shall serve him.

What did they do

Matthew 2:2- "Where is he who is born King of the Jews? For we saw his star in the east, and have come to worship him.”

• They went to the current king of the Jews, Herod, per protocol

• Would have been a great offense to not go to Herod first

• Assumed Herod knew all about the birth, but Herod had to consult the priests and scribes to learn about Bethlehem. Micah 5:2 prophecies that the Messiah would come from Bethlehem.

• We saw- horao [G3708]- to perceive, discern, look upon

• Worship- proskuneo [G4352]- fall and kiss the ground at the feet of a superior. This could have been an indirect insult to Herod: the magi did not fall down and worship Herod who was the current king of the Jews.

Star in the East

• Did not have to be a spectacular sight- astrologers notice subtle positions or combinations to discern meaning

• Possibilities-

• Supernova- large and bright, would have taken many thousands of years for light to reach earth

• Comet- a “smudge” in the sky, reoccurring many hundreds of years

• Position or combination of planets and stars

• Star “went before them and stood over”- a star would move slightly, a planet will make a large and rapid path

• Jupiter known as the King Planet:

• Jupiter and Regulus experience a “triple conjunction” Feb 7, 3BC, Sep 10, 3BC, and May 8, 2BC

• Moved and occulted with Venus on Jun 17, 2BC. Was in the astrological zone of Leo, the lion king.

• Jupiter’s movement could have coincided with the Magi’s trip

The magi visit Jesus

Matthew 2:11- They came into the house and saw the young child with Mary, his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Opening their treasures, they offered to him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

• House- oikos [G3614]- a livable dwelling, not a stable

• Gifts-

• Gold- a symbol of superior authority

• Frankincense- used as incense in high worship or coronation

• Myrrh- commonly used in embalming

• They visited at least a few months after Jesus was born

• They met him in a house, not a stable. This supports my belief that Mary and Joseph weren’t allowed in the family home at first

• Joseph did not have enough money to buy a lamb to redeem Jesus as the first born son. This happened at least 40 days after the birth because Mary could not have traveled until then because of her “days of confinement” under Jewish law.

• They accepted that this poor child was destined to be a king

• Not sure if they understood Jesus as the Messiah

• Later legend says they were martyred for their belief in Jesus

• Babylonian interpretation likely focused on political authority

• They were warned in a dream to not go back to Herod

• They were sensitive to divine dreams as was Joseph

• Broke protocol by not going back- could have been killed

What we learn from this

• If something is true, God did it

• Natural phenomenon can be corrupted by evil

• Astrology, Tarot, casting lots- all started as Jewish practice/mysticism, but were corrupted by evil intent

• These should not be used to direct our future- that’s what make them evil

• God, again, used pagans to highlight the Messiah’s birth

• We should look for “signs” of God’s activity around us

• God provision for us starts well before we need help

What do we do with this

• Don’t discount God’s signs- just because a blessing comes to you in a seemingly mundane was doesn’t mean God did provide it.

• Consider the people in your life that make you uncomfortable. Do they have good or evil intent or motivations.

• Realize that God can work through anyone to bring about his plan, especially you.

The conclusion

• Well, the music in the background means I have run out of things to say, but I’ll have more later.

• I hope this has been helpful. If so, give this podcast a high rating and share it with others.

• Join in for future episodes when we take a look at Herod. He may have been the King of the Jews, but he was not a nice man.

• My prayer for you is that you will see and understand that God has a place in this massive universe just for you.

• Have a blessed week

The disclaimers

• Just to let you know

• All opinions are my own. If you agree, keep listening. If you don’t… keep listening, you may learn something

• All Bible quotations come from the World English Bible which is a public domain work

• Our show theme song is “Awesome Call” by Kevin MacLeod and is available under a Creative Commons license

• The content of this podcast is copyrighted 2024 by J. Brent Eaton

• This has been a Power Love and Miracles production

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